Gel Plate Printing: The Basics
Come and have a go at gel plate printing, but be's highly addictive!
12 spots left
Workshop Details
Gel Plate Printing: The Basics Sunday 1st June 13:00-15:30 St Mary’s Centre, Rye, TN31 7LB £35 Per Adult Gel plate printing is the process of creating monotypes by applying acrylic paint to a flexible gel plate and pressing a piece of paper onto the plate. The paint that is applied to the plate can be layered, and texture and patterns can be created by using stencils and other tools before applying the paper to the plate. When the print is pulled off of the plate, a unique print will be created. Shelley, from Ways of Seeing, will be demonstrating various printing techniques for you to have a go at over the course of the workshop. You'll also be able to turn some of your prints into mini artworks and gift cards. Each participant will have a 6"x 6" gel plate to work with for the duration of the workshop and there will also be opportunity to take turns to try out a larger, A4 sized plate. All materials and tools to take part in this workshop will be provided. Participants will be able to take home all of their prints and creations. Sustenance in the form of tea, coffee & biscuits will also be provided!

Workshop Location
St Mary's Centre, Lion Street, Rye, UK
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please note this event is for adults only. Our classes are non-refundable. Terms & Conditions • You can only book places via this website. • Places are booked on a first-come-first-served basis. Full payment is required at the time of booking in order to reserve your place. • Bookings and payments will be confirmed by email. • Unless otherwise stated all materials for the workshop will be provided. • If you are unable to attend an event you can send someone else in your place. You must let us know the name of the attendee prior to the event. • You can transfer to another event or receive a credit note if you notify us at least 14 days before the date of the event you are booked on to attend. • In exceptional circumstances, where we may have to cancel one of our advertised events you will be offered a full refund. • If an event is cancelled our liability is solely for the cost of the booking fee, not for any other costs you may have incurred such as materials you may have purchased in advance, travel costs or accommodation.